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Saint-Quentin area

multiple and serene

Between Flanders and the Parisian region, Saint-Quentin and its area is a land of balance and contrast.

Inspiring sceneries : a patchwork of valleys, sources, swamps and ponds contrasting with the serenity of vast plains. Tranquil villages display the warm and reassuring colour of the brick.

In the center of this land rises a town whose multifaceted and creative architecture surprises with its harmony.

destination saint quentin tourisme etang isle bleu©Emiliiiie - Office de tourisme du Saint-Quentinois
destination saint quentin tourisme marais isle basilique Promesse - Office de tourisme du Saint-Quentinois

The natural assets of this land attracted  very soon the first inhabitants. From Antiquity, the Viromandui tribe takes possession of this favoured/privileged region which is today the Vermandois area.

Strategic position at the junction of the main roads in early times, the Vermandois area witnesses the establishment of Christianism and its ensueing development.

Our valleys

The Somme, Oise, Scheldt and Omignon valleys bring today happiness to hikers.

The lazy Somme has its source 10 kilometers far from Saint-Quentin. It gives birth to wetlands, including the Marais d’Isle in Saint-Quentin. Those were the scene of the legend of Quintinus and are nowadays used for the biodiversity conservation.

The Omignon river, peaceful tributary to the Somme, flows through a wooded area and goes through the swamps of Vermand, close to the Gallo-Roman oppidum, venerable witness of the ancient period.

The Oise river can be  fiery and its valley is studded with villages. Its banks saw the growing of flax and watermills used hydropower to turn the wheel paddles.

The Scheldt river, slow and not very powerful, has its source north of Saint-Quentin close to the Mont Saint-Martin abbey. It has as strong connection with Belgium.

Our plains

The nourishing grounds of the Vermandois area offer a patchwork of huge coloured squares changing through the seasons. The wheat fields go from green to golden. Those vast stretches reveal the sky from one horizon to another. This feeling of fullness is sometimes shaked up by the sight of astonishing glowing skies. Woods and groves intersperse the plains, from where deers, rabbits and pheasants could suddenly appear.

The turmoils of history deeply marked the landscapes. These plains offer also a resting place, imbued with peacefulness and serenity, to the soldiers who gave their life during the Great War.

British, american german and french cemeteries as well as memorials honour their memory.


A reconstruction carried by the breath of roaring twenties

The architects rise to the challenge of reconstruction with boldness and elegance. 70% of the city was destroyed and Saint-Quentin is considered to be the birthplace of Art Deco. This new trend is part of a harmonious eclecticism, reflected by these two culminating masterpieces of Gothic, the Town Hall and the Basilica. Villages reinvent themselves on innovative principles. They experienced the combination of town hall and school, churches take on art deco aspects, choosing bricks and  concrete.


A sweet life

To enjoy it, people can start with a stroll on the Town Hall Square.

Soothed by the melody of the carillon and surrounded by these witnesses of an old history, that is the promise of a both relaxing and inspiring moment.

A nature reserve in the heart of the city and the nearby countryside explain that the expression « a city in the countryside » is not a cliché.

Guides, hosts, restaurant owners, shopkeepers, all the local players like to live and share their Saint-Quentin area. They know how to guide, surprise, treat to a meal, entertain,….

Humble, dynamic, even inventive, just like the territory, their kindness is sincere and spontaneous.

For further ...

The museums

of the destination

Passionate about history, heritage and culture? There is plenty to do in the Saint-Quentinois!

With 9 museums and a wealth of structures worthy of open-air museums, you are spoiled for choice. Whether you prefer a guided tour or a solo discovery, discover the places of heritage and culture in Saint-Quentin!

To visit the destination is to adopt it

destination saint quentin tourisme Musee Antoine Lecuyer visite musee - Office de tourisme du Saint-Quentinois
destination saint quentin tourisme marche artisanat commerce - Office de tourisme du Saint-Quentinois
destination saint quentin tourisme etang isle bleu©Emiliiiie - Office de tourisme du Saint-Quentinois
destination saint quentin tourisme experience visite guidee musee exposition - Office de tourisme du Saint-Quentinois
destination saint quentin tourisme hotel de ville nuit - Office de tourisme du Saint-Quentinois
destination saint quentin tourisme loisirs - Office de tourisme du Saint-Quentinois
destination saint quentin tourisme marais isle basilique Promesse - Office de tourisme du Saint-Quentinois
destination saint quentin tourisme eau canal - Office de tourisme du Saint-Quentinois
destination saint quentin tourisme champs elysees nuit - Office de tourisme du Saint-Quentinois
destination saint quentin tourisme centre ville st quentin drone - Office de tourisme du Saint-Quentinois
destination saint quentin tourisme canal coucher soleil - Office de tourisme du Saint-Quentinois
destination saint quentin tourisme basilique saint quentin ©FredEmery - Office de tourisme du Saint-Quentinois
destination saint quentin tourisme art deco seret - Office de tourisme du Saint-Quentinois
destination saint quentin tourisme memoire cimetierre - Office de tourisme du Saint-Quentinois
destination saint quentin tourisme Vendeuil cascades - Office de tourisme du Saint-Quentinois

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